

The Master’s degree Program awards Diploma of Post-graduate Studies in the field of Data Science and Machine Learning after the successful fulfilment of the respective course of study.

The Program includes two (2) semesters of courses and one (1) semester of elaboration of post-graduate Diploma Thesis

For the acquisition of the Diploma of Post-graduate Studiesis required the attendance and successful examination in 12 courses, 6 to 8 obligatory courses (group A) and 4 to 6 optional courses (group B) which in total are equivalent to 60 credits, in addition with the elaboration and successful examination of the Diploma Thesis which is equivalent to 30 more credits.

The courses (obligatory and optional) taught every academic year are being set with decisions of the responsible bodies and appear at the Studies’ Guide and in the section Studies - Courses of the site of the program.

The teaching language of the courses is mainly the Greek language and for this reason is being promoted the fast-paced teaching of the language to foreign post-graduate students. It is allowed the teaching of a part or of the whole of the Master’s degree Program in English language, always in the context of the procedures of composition, approval and assessment.

The writing language of the post-graduate Diploma Thesis is Greek or English and it is being set with decision of the Special Interdepartmental Committee (SIC). In every occasion, the post-graduate Diploma Thesisincludes extensive summary in Greek and in English language.

Courses’ attendance and students’ evaluation 

The attendance of the courses and the participation to the relevant educational activities and projects is obligatory. In case that appear extremely serious and proven reasons of inability of presence of the post-graduate student, the SIC can justify some nonattendance, of which the maximum number could not exceed the 1/3 of the lectures. The post-graduate student who has not completed the necessary number of attendance in any course has the right to repeat the course (or another equivalent that is set by the SIC) on the next and last academic year of studies.

For the grading of the courses is used the scale 0-10, without fractional part, with base of success minimum 5. The grade of the course can result not only from the final examination but with the influence of the performance to the applied methods of teaching as well (laboratories, personal computer laboratories, studies, drawing boards, project of field, issues (questions), group projects with personal presentation), that are being conducted during the course and is being stipulated (set) in every course by the professorresponsible.

The grading of the post-graduate Diploma Thesis, which is provided (given) by the component examiners as an average as well, can include half fractional unit.

The final examination is taking place after the end of the tuition of the educational period, in an examination period of at least two weeks’ duration, according to the Academic Diary of Post-graduate Studies of the university and the specific decisions of the SIC. The results are being issued by the professors after the end of the prosecution of the final examination.

A repetitive examination is not foreseen. In special occasions, the SIC is able to, with its proven decision, to accept an additional special examination of the ¼ of the courses, per maximum, per academic period, since the post-graduate student could not be examined for exceptional reasons. The SIC can additionally, in special occasions, set repetitive examinations.

The students who have failed in courses can register again on the next year in the same courses (or different if it is about optional courses).

If the post-graduate student fail in the examination of a course or courses - which, according to what is defined to the present regulation, it is considered that he has not completed the program successfully – he is being examined, after his request, from a three-member committee consisted of professors of the School, who have the same or related subject to the examined course and are being set by the SIC of the post-graduate program. From the committee are being excluded the professors of the course.

If the post-graduate student has attended courses of another post-graduate course of study and has been examined successfully on these, can be exempted from relevant courses of the post-graduate program after his request, proposal from the related professors and decision of the SIC.

The lectures that have been lost within the semester must be recovered in order to be completed the number of the 13 educational weeks. The recovery is being decided and announced by the SIC of the program taking into account the observance of the academic diary, as long as this is possible.

Post-graduate Diploma Thesis

The undertaking of the Post-graduate Diploma Thesis (PDT) can be done after the completion of the 2nd educational period of the first year of studies, on the assumption that the post-graduate student has been successfully examined until then on the half of the courses of the post-graduate program. For the post-graduate students that register again for the next year, for the attention of the courses of the 1st or 2nd educational period, the Steering Committee (SC) decides in case of undertaking their PDT with the beginning of the second academic year of studies.

The post-graduate student submits application, on which is written the suggested title of the Diploma Thesis, the suggested supervising professor and is attached a summary of the suggested thesis. The SC, according to the application, sets out (defines) the supervising professor of the diploma thesis and composes the three-member Examination Committee for the approval of the thesis. The examination committee is consisted by the supervising professor and other professors or members of the teaching personnel or researchers of Α, Β or C grades, who are PhD owners. The members of the examination committee must have the same or equal scientific specialization with the subject of the post-graduate program. After the suggestion of the supervising professor, the post-graduate student can receive help in scientific matters from PhD holders, PhD candidates or other post-graduate students and other research associates of the NTUA or visitor professors apart from NTUA. It is also possible that the technical personnel can participate as supplementary factor for the practical support of the post-graduate diploma thesis, wherever this is required. The grading of the post-graduate diploma thesis results from the average of the grading of the three examiners in the scale from 1 to 10 and is being round down to the half fractional unit, with success basis at least 5,5 (five and a half). The SIC establishes undivided criteria of evaluation.

The text of the post-graduate diploma thesis is being composed in word processor with logo approved by the SIC, is submitted in at least 5 (five) copies and must include synopsis of 1.200 to 2.000 words, contents’ table, references and summary of 300 to 500 words in Greek and English language. After the approval of the diploma thesis, the post-graduate student is obliged to submit a hard copy and electronic file of it, to the Central Library of the NTUA and also submit online the file of his thesis to the Electronic Library of the NTUA. The diploma theses that are being approved by the Examination Committee are being necessarily posted on the site of the post-graduate program.

If the diploma thesis has not been completed within the third educational period, can be continued during the next academic period.

In any occasion, for the awarding of the diploma is required pass degree for all the courses and the post-graduate diploma thesis. If this is not managed within the expected duration of studies, is provided to the post-graduate student a simple certificate of attendance for the courses that has succeeded pass degree and he resigns the program.

The general degree of the diploma turns out as a weighted average of the degrees of the post-graduate courses and the post-graduate diploma thesis, which is considered to be equivalent to one semester of courses.

Studies’ duration

The minimum duration of the studies is three academic semesters and the maximum duration two years.

In special occasions, when the post-graduate student successfully fulfills his obligations for the achievement of the diploma in time period lesser than the expected duration of the Post-graduate Studies Program and in any case, in a period lesser than one year, the SIC can, with its decision, propose to the senate of the NTUA the grant of the diploma.

The maximum time that a student can remain in the post-graduate program, taking into account his first registration is two years. Exceptionally, in special occasions, can be provided a short extension of maximum duration of one year, after a justifiable decision of the SIC. After the completion of the second year the SIC decides the termination (interruption) of the studentship (studies) and provides the student a certificate with the courses and the respective grading that the student has been successfully examined.

The post-graduate students have the potential to interrupt temporarily their studies, after submitting the relevant application, for a time period that not exceeds two consecutive semesters. The semesters of the postponement of the student status are not being counted to the predicted maximum duration of regular study

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